Seven Things That Can Compromise The Success Of Your Hair Replacement Treatment

Seven Things That Can Compromise The Success Of Your Hair Replacement Treatment

10 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're planning on undergoing a hair replacement treatment, you need to know which activities and behaviors you need to avoid that can detract from the success of your treatment.

The following are seven things that can compromise the success of your hair replacement treatment. 

Washing your hair too soon after the procedure

You should be instructed not to wash your hair for several days after your hair replacement procedure. Washing your hair or engaging in any activity that involves rubbing your scalp can compromise the success of hair replacement and cause swelling. 

Dyeing your hair too soon after hair replacement treatment

The chemicals found in hair dye are not good for the hair follicles that are transplanted during a hair replacement procedure. You should wait several weeks after the procedure to dye your hair to optimize the condition of transplanted follicles. 

Failing to drink enough water

Staying adequately hydrated is helpful when you're recovering from hair replacement treatments. Drinking enough water can increase the success of your treatment and also help to keep you more comfortable while you're recovering. 

Putting ice right on your scalp

Although icing your scalp is important while you're recovering, you shouldn't apply ice directly to your scalp without anything between your skin and the ice. Applying ice directly can slow down recovery and compromise the success of your growing transplanted hair follicles. 

Getting sun exposure on the treated areas of your scalp

Protecting the skin on your scalp from the sun is always important. However, it's especially important right after you go through a hair replacement treatment. Stay in the shade or indoors during the sunniest times of the day until the skin on your scalp has had several days or weeks to recover.  

Sleeping flat rather than with your head elevated

When you sleep in the days after your treatment, you should be sure to keep your head elevated. Keeping your head elevated when you sleep will help to prevent swelling as you heal. 

Being unaware that some hair may fall out initially

There is a shedding phase that can occur immediately after treatment that will eventually end. This will most likely cause some of your transplanted hair to fall out initially. 

You shouldn't panic if some shedding occurs and you should realize that this is perfectly normal. Even if you lose some of your transplanted hair through shedding, you can still have a successful procedure that significantly increases the amount of natural hair growing on your head. 

For more information on hair replacement, contact a company like Dermatology Specialists of Canton.